Monday, May 19, 2014


Nelly - Traveller Boots - 14sd

RI - Knee Sport Socks - 20sc

Fallen Angel - Two Tone Vest - 100sc

Stardoll Academy - Vest - 0sd

Saint Laurent Paris Tribute - Dotted Courtney Blouse - 22sd

Basics - White Skirt - 4sc

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Your Style: booklover29

Booklover29 has a very lovely style. It seems like it's formal, with a touch of history. The first outfit looks rather medieval, and I love it. I love the red satin bottom piece, and how well it matches the design on the top. The belt is also really cute, and adds a feeling of festivity. The gloves are a nice touch as well, they really pull in the look. The second outfit, I just love love love! I have always loved that dress, and that hat is just A-DOR-A-BLE! The look reminds me of a sailor, or something like that. It looks like a modernized version you'd see in the 1940's, with the belt, shoes, glasses and bag. This is definitely my favourite outfit. The last outfit is very country-like. I can see a hippie girl in the 70's wearing this, with the washed-out purple and the brown boots. This is lovely and floral, and the browns, purples, and pinks go together very nicely. This is cute and vintage, and I love the flower headband. Very retro, yet modern.

Now, let's hear what Grace (booklover29) has to say about her style!

Q: How would you describe your style?
A: My style changed rather often and I will change my entire look  just to use one item, but generally my style is fashionable, classy or vintage.

Q: Who's style on Stardoll and in real life do you look up to the most?
A: I don't really look up to any one specific coll on stardoll. I draw my inspiration from the countless dolls that I've visited and met.  In real life, probably my older sister's. We've always had a very similar taste in clothing and she always seems to know how to style something when I don't. She's my go-to fashion adviser.

Q: What is your favourite Stardoll store?
A: I'd say either Viole or Nelly. Both have pieces that I can style in many different ways to suit my changing style.

Q: What is your biggest fashion inspiration?
A: My biggest fashion inspirations are some of the more up-scale clothing stores in my area. I love going to them and seeing how the mannequins are dressed and think about how I would dress them differently or what parts of the outfit I would keep.

Q: If you could run a Stardoll store, what would the clothes look like?
A: I would probably have a lot of diverse clothing. Clothes that can suit the diverse styles of the people on stardoll, but that can be styled in different ways as their style progress and evolves. I would take care to make sure that every piece was flattering to the dolls and fairly priced.

Awesome! A big thank you to Grace for participating! To visit her, click here. 


I thought it would be really cool if every day, I posted an Outfit Of The Day! This is what my MeDoll will be wearing. I hope that some people can take inspiration from it, discover new styles, find gorgeous garments, and just have fun! This is the first OOTD, and I hope everyone likes it!

In This OOTD

Top: VIOLE - Gown Top - 10sd
Skirt: Fallen Angel - Ruffle Corset Skirt - 14sd
Belt: Other World - Waist White Rose - 5sd
Shoes: PPQ - Suede Ankle Boots - 12sd

Store Review: It Girls

It Girls isn't an old store, or a new store. It's at the point in a store's life where all the old, original stuff is available, but Stardoll makes new collections for it at a rapid pace. It will be a very sad day when It Girl has it's closing sale, and also a very happy one because you can a variety of gorgeous, cheap items, but now they are extra-cheap! This store has been the brand of many popular items such as the 'Basic Black Bra' line and the black Skirt. Items from this store are for female dolls only.

Brands similar to It Girls: Pretty N Love, Bonjour Bizou

  • Style

I could totally see this in Gatsby!
The style of It Girls isn't as girly as it appears by it's name. The older, original collection is a collection of office and work like garments that one may wear for a business meeting. The colours consisted of blacks, greys, whites and browns. Nothing like the modern It Girls you can find in Starplaza today. The period following the business-inspired collection was a more 40's/50's collection. The dresses, skirts, and shirts look like something you would find in the movie Great Gatsby. Well, a modernized Great Gatsby. It has the
"... one may wear for a business meeting"
colours and patterns that the 1940's did, but the shoulders are a little more sharp, and the skirts are a little less poofy and long. Moving on to later collections, they seem to focus more on blue and light pink. I believe it was a spring or summer collection, and they were trying to capture the whim of the wind and the colours of the new flowers. I think they did an amazing job at this, especially because I personally love loose, pastel clothing. It Girls, after that, went into a winter, more alternative collection. This collection had a lot of black. I'm surprised they did this, because this brand went from being a more light, soft, girly brand to all of a sudden having more revealing clothes, with darker, solid colours. This collection featured a lot of crop tops, leather, and patterns. The current collection today is their spring collection. This is the kind of stuff you would expect from this brand. It has bright yellows, pastel floral patters, and mute, more formal looking items while still maintaining that aura of cute casualty.

  • Price
I honestly cannot complain about the pricing for It Girls. The items that cost stardollars are a reasonable, cheap price. Items here are gorgeous, and I would expect a higher price, but it isn't. The most expensive item there only costed 20sd, and that's because it was a full outfit for a Pal! They also have a wide selection of starcoin items, too! These items are also very cute! Everyone can grab something cute from It Girls!

  • Overview
It Girls has a variety of different styled items, and all for a cheap price. You can get everything that brand has ever made, and Stardoll still continues to make new collections. This is a lovely, gorgeous, cheap brand for everyone of every style.

Stars (Out of 5):     ½